The Issue
The U.S. criminal justice (CJ) system is unprepared to address the challenges of climate change and environmental degradation.
Very few CJ agencies recognize or have taken any action to remedy the many ways these crises intersect and harm public safety, public health, equity, and the occupational health and safety of their personnel.
The Action Lab’s new Climate and Public Safety (CAPS) initiative was created to help fill the void. This seed-stage venture has conducted preliminary mapping of the intersections and is developing a resource bank and infosheets to share as a knowledge hub. We envision building a collaborative community of practice featuring CJ leaders and personnel, policymakers, scholars, community stakeholders, and advocates. Together, we hope to:
Translate and disseminate the existing research base,
Conduct landscape assessments and gather lessons learned from practitioners and communities nationwide,
Facilitate creating a research agenda and conducting original research, and
Build a menu of shovel-ready mitigation and adaptation strategies and implementation toolkits and training for CJ leaders and personnel, policymakers, advocates, and community members can employ to help personnel and communities thrive in the coming years.
We are actively seeking partners interested in addressing these intertwining challenges in ways that improve public safety, public health, resilience, and thriving among CJ personnel and the communities they serve.
When Crises Collide: Mapping the Intersections of Climate, Pollution, Crime, and Punishment
Jeremiah Goulka et al., Northeastern University Law Review
Climate and Public Safety Resource Bank (in development)
Infosheets (in development)
Locked in a Hotbox: The Impact of Climate Change on the Incarcerated
Harvard Law School, Petrie-Flom Center
April 9, 2024, 12:30pm (ET) by Zoom​​​
Get Involved
We are actively seeking collaborators among scholars, practitioners, policymakers, advocates, and community stakeholders. We are also seeking graduate students and interns.
For further information on this page, please contact Sunyou Kang